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’23-acre farm near Ferns almost doubles price guide at auction’. Irish Examiner. 02/04/24.

The land which sold at auction at Ballyboy, Ferns, Co. Wexford

Gorey-based QUINN PROPERTY enjoyed another successful online auction last week, as has become something of a habit.

The property that went under the gavel of David Quinn on Wednesday, March 27, was a 23-acre farm at Ballyboy, Ferns, County Wexford.

The farm includes a derelict stone-built cottage on site, making it an interesting prospect for both farmers and hobby farmers. The lands were described by the agents as being of excellent quality and it enjoys extensive road frontage and river frontage.

Most of the interest pre-auction came from the local farming community, with interest also registered from those in the wider business community. The price guide was given at €12,000 per acre.

The bidding began at €200,000 (€8,700/acre) and quickly rose through “lightning-quick” bidding that brought it first to €300,000 and then to €440,000 (€19,000/acre). After consultation during a break, the property was declared on the market.

The next bid was €460,000 and five more bids came in before the gavel went down on a price of €510,000 (€22,200/acre).

Speaking post-auction, David said: “This is a very strong result, which comes in above typical land values in the area.”

This article was written by Conor Power and can be accessed here.

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