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Constable Hill, Hacketstown, Co. Carlow – Auction Report

Constable Hill

SOLD JUNE 2024 – Valuable C. 22 Acre Roadside Holding For Sale By Online Auction On Friday 21st June At 3.30PM

Friday’s final auction saw a fine parcel of land with good road frontage come to the market. The property is predominantly in grass with a small amount of woodland and it benefits from a natural water supply.

Auctioneer David Quinn had guided the property between €7,000 and €8,000 per acre with “good interest received, mostly from local farmers”.

On the day of the auction, bidding opened at €80,000 and moved to €125,000 with three active bidders. With the property still short of its reserve, it was withdrawn from auction and negotiations commenced with the highest bidder. These negotiations proved fruitful and the property was sold shortly afterwards for a higher figure.

Auctioneer David Quinn

Speaking afterwards, Mr Quinn said that he was “delighted to have secured a deal immediately after the auction”. The successful bidder was identified as a “local farmer”.

To view the full listing, please click here.

With the property market continuing to perform well, please contact us if you are considering selling your property, either by way of auction or private treaty.

QUINN PROPERTY – No.1 Independent Auction House in the Southeast

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